Leveraging Artificial Intelligence on My Side Projects

Having the chance to work on a small digital project like Valpiccola applying new technologies in the field of artificial intelligence is perhaps the greatest opportunity that has ever been presented to me during my entire career. What’s incredible about it is that I get to experience firsthand, in a very direct way, the enormous potential that AI can provide.

Valpiccola is a project that leverages several advanced technologies, such as Cloudflare, SvelteKit, Sanity, Vercel, Deepl, Golang, Typescript, Supabase, Metabase, to name a few. The result is an integrated system that enables efficient management of content and user interactions.

Valpiccola’s site architecture is designed to maximize resources and make the most of the potential of artificial intelligence. The site is able to offer dynamic and automatically translated content in multiple languages thanks to Deepl’s neural networks. This process happens on the cloud using an async microservice architecture, enabling optimal user enjoyment of the content. We aim for excellent performance, achieving scores above 95 on Google Lighthouse.

Moreover, in our project, we leverage artificial intelligence to manage content through Sanity. We use the Sanity API in combination with an API engine in Golang, which allows us to automate and optimize content creation and distribution. This innovative approach greatly improves the efficiency of the process and allows us to deliver content that is always up-to-date and relevant to our site users.

But the magic of artificial intelligence does not stop there. In my daily work, I have experienced how AI can greatly improve my productivity in various aspects. For example, creating small scripts in bash or analyzing data in CSV format has become a much faster and easier task thanks to the use of AI-based algorithms and tools.

Lastly, AI has proven invaluable at Valpiccola, enabling us to identify and fix numerous errors that may have gone unnoticed.

This new reality has enabled previously unthinkable levels of productivity, freeing up time and energy to focus on more creative and strategic aspects of the project. All this without sacrificing the quality and accuracy of the data, which are always reliable and up-to-date.

In conclusion, working on the Valpiccola project offered me a unique opportunity to apply my skills and knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence. I am excited to continue experimenting and to find out how far these technologies can take us, both in terms of efficiency and innovation. And I am convinced that, thanks to AI, the future is more promising than ever.